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Sep 18, 2020, 10 tweets

@SeattleFdn has awarded $635k in grants to evangelical groups that promote a homophobic, anti-science and anti-choice agenda.



Yesterday, we talked about SF’s grants to libertarian think tanks. They also have given hundreds of thousands over the last decade to evangelical groups with far-right interests and funding sources that overlap with those think tanks.


Since 2014, @SeattleFdn has awarded $172k in grants to the Seattle-based Discovery Institute. One of the main advocates for intelligent design, DI has pushed for creationism to be taught alongside evolution. Its main funding source is the Koch-linked org DonorsTrust


DI is also the home of local reactionary Chris Rufo, who achieved nat'l recognition recently when he was cited by Trump in an executive order banning anti-bias training based on critical race theory, which Trump called “divisive, un-American propaganda.” (4/10)

Since 2008, @SeattleFdn has awarded $104k in grants to Billy Graham Ministries. Founded by the late reverend, the ministry is now run by his son Franklin, who supports conversion therapy & called homosexuality an “abomination.”


After the election, Franklin Graham said that God “intervened” on Trump’s behalf “to stop the godless, atheistic progressive agenda from taking control of our country.”


Speaking of Trump-supporting evangelical dynasties, @SeattleFdn has granted $92.5k to Liberty University, which was—until a recent sex scandal—helmed by Jerry Falwell, Jr.

LU is basically an ATM for the corrupt Fallwell family.


Lastly, since '14, @SeattleFdn has gifted $266k to Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ). Cru's foreign mission employed an extremist Ethiopian minister who accused homosexuals of kidnapping children to turn them gay & claimed homosexuality was a Western plot to kill Africans.

Like the grants to the Seattle Police Foundation, these come from @SeattleFdn’s portfolio of donor-advised funds, meaning they represent the wishes of individual foundation clients.

We demand the foundation revise its policies on DAF to exclude these organizations. (9/10)

Join us at tomorrow’s rally at 2 pm in Westlake Park to demand:

-No more charity for cops

-#PayTheFee $1.6 million to BIPOC orgs (2x SF’s grants to the SPF)

-Spend down - @SeattleFdn holds nearly $1bln in assets. It must circulate more money in the community


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