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New history of Rome's heyday - Pax - out now! Dinosaur lover. Stonehenge Tunnel hater. A 'leading English cricketer' - The Times. Podcast: @theresthistory

Sep 19, 2020, 6 tweets

Skimpier than a Geordie night out in December

Achilles gives his name to the palace built by the Empress Elisabeth of Austria (aka ‘Sisi’) in Corfu. She named it ‘Achilleion’ in memory of her only son, Crown Prince Rudolf, who had likewise died young.

Sisi - a precocious wearer of trousers - seems to have been very sassy...

She really was very beautiful

Writing desk - complete with saddle - used by Kaiser Wilhelm II, who bought the palace after Sisi’s death. It was from there that he sponsored the excavation of the Medusa that is now the glory of the Corfu Archaeological Museum. (So he wasn’t all bad...)

The Kaiser was apparently the first man to have a car on Corfu.

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