MartyFly | 👨‍🎓 = 🔑 | 🛡 Profile picture
Building your perfect Crypto Chrome Extensions 👇 Educating by threading.

Sep 19, 2020, 8 tweets

So I have 8000 VET focused tweets, I post about some blockchains /dApps and suddenly I`m a shitcoin shiller and traitor?


I wanted to learn more and make a kind of abstract. Also a little bit of teasing to my friends.
Like I said: I don't hold ICX

I'm reading about other coins to learn how their value flows go and add it to this thread, so it's easy to compare and see how awesome Vechain works. Also trying to bring VET outside of our bubble.

I started reading about Uniswap AMM, an amazing tech.

I started reading about how it works and the other (shady) coins like . Very interesting tech so I gave Uniswap credits for what they do (pic 1). They had no coin at that time.
Got more interested in Uniswap and was looking for a solid coin. (Pic 2)


Suddenly UNI came, (2 days ago) got 400 UNI for free and started following the crazy things that were going on. People paying huge fees etc.
Also created a thread about an interesting thing called AMM chaining and included VeChain because I knew VeFam is still here ;)

Currently reading about AMM and how it all works so that I can create a simple explanatory thread about it and bring more people to VeChains AMM DEX because, like I said, it's awesome!

Creating basic simplified explanations is a way for me to learn about something.

If I post about different blockchains/ features it doesn't mean I'm holding the coin.
These other blockchain features/ dApps could be implemented on VeChain too so we better learn more about it.
Decentralized oracles
AMM DEX (already here @VexchangeIO)

End of the story.
Don't buy coins you don't know anything about.
I have 25+ VeChain explanatory threads and hundreds of single explanatory tweets.
You think I switch that easy? 😂😂

Expect more not VeChain related posts. Trying to get VeChain out of this bubble.

Will use this thread to post on every guy that PMs or messages me why I "shill these shitcoins".

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