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Trying to see the forest and the trees.

Sep 19, 2020, 6 tweets

The empty pond thread 1/5

This pond in a park in N London was once full of water and peopled by swans, mallards, shovelers et al.
Disused as a pond for a few years now, it’s been occupied by a motley community of plants.

@BSBIbotany @morethanweeds @WildLondon @LondonNPC @TWGFoE


Now in bloom, I salute the Michaelmas daisies, whose taste for hybridisation and back-crossing have a laugh at our taxonomic efforts. I'll just note down #Symphyotrichum and enjoy the views.


Ditto about the willowness - #Salix, I jot down.
Only saplings for now, but give them a bit more time @haringeycouncil (and I trust you will) and we'll ask for TPOs on them.
I like how a mature - I believe - #CrackWillow overlooks the pond like a mamma duck her ducklings.


More proper riparian, perhaps chasing the phantom of the long-gone pond, I love to find Common Club-rush and Common Reed (if I got these IDs right) #Schoenoplectus_lacustris and #Phragmites_australis.


And here for a group picture of Michaelmas daisies, Willow and Club-rush all sharing the same crack of hope.

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