Kenneth P. Vogel Profile picture

Sep 19, 2020, 6 tweets

The TRUMP campaign is already fundraising off the “need to fill the Supreme Court vacancy without delay!”

The BIDEN campaign had already started fundraising off RUTH BADER GINSBURG this morning, attaching @KamalaHarris’s name to an email soliciting donations to the campaign & the @dscc, & asking would-be donors to “fight for her legacy.”


“Friend, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an amazing woman who led an amazing life. The President is right, we have an obligation to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, without delay!”

And here’s MITCH McCONNELL fundraising off the SCOTUS vacancy:

“We have a Supreme Court vacancy and I need your support. Will you step up at this critical hour in our nation’s history? Donate now!”

TRUMP campaign now selling “FILL THAT SEAT” MAGA shirts for $30 donations to his campaign’s joint committee with the @GOP.…

How about this false tease of a subject line on the latest TRUMP campaign fundraising email?:

“Supreme Court Choice Attached 📎”

(Spoiler alert: the SCOTUS choice is not attached)

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