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I work with data.

Sep 20, 2020, 21 tweets

Ivor Cummins @FatEmperor is a youtuber that has been wrong many times about Covid19, here are some examples of his fails and contradictions

When he highlights the importance of empirical evidence but then downplays it when it comes to prove his theories

When he used to say at the end of June that there would be no more Covid19 deaths in the US...

He really insisted on that 😅

When he suggested that cases would not increase in Israel after they stopped their 1st lockdown in the beginning of March

When he repeated many times the mantra that life in Sweden has continued as normal with only soft distancing, but then its very population had a different perception...

When he claimed virus wanes @ PFR: 0.05% but many populations worldwide largely surpassed it: NY, NJ, Louisiana, Catalonia, Madrid, Euskadi, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Paris, Alsace, Belgium, Stockholm, Massachusets, Connecticut, Santiago, Lima, Mexico City, London, etc.

When he uses one day ’associational science’ and another day says is useless

When somewhere in the spring he lost all the evidence that masks work (and the bloody logic)...

But how come he didn’t see earlier all the science despite having been clear and around for 40 decades??

When he criticizes someone for quoting non-peer-reviewed evidence, but then he retweets... yes, non-peer-reviewed evidence

And he didn't do that just one time...

He even invited a journalist to go an make a story/news out of non-peer-reviewed studies, in the name of... wait for it... scientific thinking.

And if you dare to open the Dropbox folder where he stores all his 'studies' proving that lockdowns don't work (it's all here') you are up for a very embarassing experience...

When in less than 2 minutes said that "lockdowns don't really work" and then built a "reasonable" hypothesis that requires lockdowns to work.
(He says that if lockdowns reduce virus circulation in summer then less inmunity will be built before winter, causing more deaths then)

When he makes videos with a calm, gracious tone of voice to look pro, but then turns into a 15-year-old hooligan when someone points out his flaws

When he made a call for data about the situation in Spain on Sept 24th and summoned his main “ground” contact, who brought data from... Sept 2nd. And what happened next will (probably not) shock you.

Ivor still retweeted that, though (obviously)

When, after spending months saying that life in Sweden had been normal, a Swedish doctor told him Stockhom was a ghost town in March and April, in his own podcast.

When he said December but he meant October (note the ’no different than prior seasons’)

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