T. Seifman Profile picture
Historian of Japanese & Ryukyuan/Luchuan arts and culture. Person. I travel from time to time. He/they.

Sep 20, 2020, 6 tweets

I can't pick just one.

New York: it may be a goddamn mess in a lot of ways, but it's home, and I love it and miss it terribly:

My bestie, @MotoHotei , the one time he came to Japan, along with several of our other bestest friends.

I can't wait to have them visit again sometime.

Kyoto. Easily one of my favorite cities in the world. Even in the rain.

Looking at this photo just brings up all sorts of feelings, about the beautiful energy of that city, where culture and nature and urban vibrancy all come together.

Kyoto, to me, is a city that is definitely a city, with all the vibrancy and amenities and things one might want from a city, but built around a core of history and culture, cute cafés and wonderful historical and nature spots, not around business and government. Kimono not suits

Naha, Okinawa. Certainly, Shuri castle or other more historical/cultural sights do make me smile, but it's just the city, the whole city, with its beautiful blue skies and warm atmosphere, and the culture that suffuses Naha even if architecturally it's all grey concrete ...

Last one. The Manoa Valley, in Honolulu. Makes me think of dear friends and my hānai Mānoa ohana.

Even living in HNL for only three years, I found such family and community there that I never have elsewhere.

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