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Sep 20, 2020, 16 tweets

Ok. Because the discovery that Twitter prefers white faces to Black faces in it's preview clipping has scratched my curiosity this is going to be a thread of images for Twitter to clip to see if we can derive how it thinks

This is an example of the issue

So, given a white face and a Black face in that example it is *consistently* choosing the white face for the preview.

Now, from curiosity, I'm trying it with a face and a not face (a tree in this case)

Now for something a bit sketchier - Obama with photoshop lightened head vs his natural head

Ok - now with a white face inserted between them

Now with a tree and the faces rotating through positions

Let's try two columns again because a single image seems to be treated differently

Ok - I want to reproduce the original so two pairs of different orders

Hmmm... That was unexpected. Why did it get treated differently than the original example?

I'm going to try something...I'm clipping some of each image vertically

Ok. This is a set where the Obama picture is about 100 px taller than the McConnell picture and it reverses top and bottom

Hmmm..Now for two where McConnell's picture is taller in both shots

Nope. Let's try using a slightly differently editted headshot for McConnell - one where his head is *wider* than Obama's in the shot

Curioser and curiouser... I'm going to try the ORIGINAL example images

Ok. Original with McConnell's picture made shorter

Very curious. None of my tests created the repeated preference for McConnell - unless it was derived from the original example image

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