Greg Linares (Laughing Mantis) Profile picture
20+ yrs in Infosec. Cybergoth. Musician. Autistic. Art @MalwareArt. 4x Pwnie Nominee. Red Teamer. 𝕍𝕏. Chronic Illness Fighter. I love Smite, Gamedev & Synths

Sep 20, 2020, 8 tweets

I now have a birb

I have made accommodations for Birb

Birb is able to move. Yay

Birb is now awake and moving

He has also made a mess.

Birb has received a small addition to birb flat

Birb meets other neighbours

Birb has flown the coop so he can live on doing his big birb dreams 💕

I already miss smol Birb 😪

I <3 this picture of smol Birb so much

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