David Haywood Profile picture
MAME development veteran, responsible for the emulation of more arcade+console platforms than I have the capacity to remember. https://t.co/HWF4f1Di1I

Sep 21, 2020, 7 tweets

this thing really is tiny

Overall a poor form factor for the games included tho. While some have double sized fonts to make them easier to read, others don't, and the display is clearly half the resolution of the NES/VT so pixels are simply being dropped making a lot of things very difficult to make out.

Also it's oddly quiet, most games have sfx only, no music.

Yabba Dabba Doo! is an entirely normal death sound... (as well as the name of an infuriating game I had on the Speccy as a kid)

the bootscreen doesn't stay active long enough to take a photo

some of the games are more suited to this tiny screen than the others. One of them is a Mario's Cement Factory clone (although you can't fall by getting on the lift at the wrong time)

it really is too small to be comfortable to use tho

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