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Sep 21, 2020, 23 tweets

BREAKING: Attorneys on behalf of protesters plan on filing a temporary restraining order against the LA Sheriffs Department for “excessive force” against protesters, press, and legal observers.

I’ve compiled a thread documenting some of the allegations of abuse.

Context first 👨‍🏫

On Aug 31, LASD deputies shot & killed 29yo Dijon Kizzee in South LA. LASD says DK was riding his bike on the wrong side of the street, an alleged code violation. 2 officers tried making contact, DK resisted and fled, dropping a bundle of clothes w/ a gun.

Video shows Kizzee running when deputies opened fire, shooting around 15 times. LASD has updated their story multiple times, saying first that he ‘made a motion’ toward the gun, then that he ‘recovered the gun and pointed it.’

Note: the LA County Inspector General has said that he was blocked from attending Kizzee’s autopsy.…

Sept 5

LASD fired two tear gas canisters at a peaceful @BLMLA rally near 7-year-old Massiah Celina.

Here’s Massiah describing what the tear gas felt like at a press conference

Later that evening, an officer says “Open fire” before deputies deploy less-lethal munitions incl pepper balls, flash grenades, and tear gas.

IG credit @ strawberriefeels

Protesters had already begun leaving when LASD opened fire.

LASD has claimed that protesters were throwing rocks and bottles. Reviewing footage, I’ve only seen one bottle thrown after LASD began firing.

credit: Ricardo Miranda

Activists accused LASD of targeting people filming.

Sept 6

Protesters return to South LA Sheriffs Station. Deputies once again use less-lethal force against them. Protesters tell me that once this happened, members of the group threw fireworks.

Sept 7

Sheriff’s deputies fire less-lethals at protesters after activists try and form a barricade with discarded furniture. Numerous people present, incl press and activists, tell me no dispersal order was issued until after less lethal force was used.

A member of the press, @jintakhan, was struck in the head that night, as was this protester (as captured by Jintak).

Another protester, Chad Loder, was struck 12 times by less lethal munitions

Sept 8

LASD opens fire on protesters as they retreat from a line of deputies.

For hours after the rush, LASD combed through South LA for protesters who had run away, arresting and hospitalizing 2, including Julianna Lacoste. She was far from where LASD declared unlawful assembly. She says a deputy grabbed her pony tail and put a knee on her neck.

Lacoste appeared to have an anxiety attack during a press conference when deputies in riot gear advanced toward the gathering…

Sean Becker-Carmichael (@ACatWithNews), who was not comfortable sharing photographs, was hit multiple times by foam bullets and stinger grenades. He says a stinger grenade thrown between his legs while he was on the ground caused injuries to his legs and genitals.

Matt Mercury, another protester, claims he was forcibly arrested and beaten by deputies even while not resisting.

Since all this has been happening, protesters have reported harassment by LASD. Being detained and searched under false pretenses. Pulled over. Finding slashed tires.

Here is footage of one photographer, Michael Ade, being detained because he fit the description of a suspect. Deputies also searched one of the friends that came to investigate.

Another night, an activist was pulled over while on IG live. A deputy claimed that he was pulled over for driving with a dog out of a crate. As far as I can tell, that is not illegal in CA.

Along with two others, Chad Loder was pulled over after cleaning up pepper balls, stinger grenades, and other trash in South LA. Loder was arrested for possession of items prohibited at pub gatherings despite, he says, not attending a public gathering.

Activists found the tires of their “supply vehicle” slashed on Sept 9. LASD detained the driver.

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