Stephen Woroniecki Profile picture
Social science of climate change & biodiversity @wwtworldwide. Fellow @IPBES Transformative Change Prev: @LiU_EnvChange, assoc @NatureBasedSols. 🇸🇪🇬🇧

Sep 22, 2020, 6 tweets

Interesting take-aways from @elliotjchurst's thought provoking #POLLEN20 presentation "The nature of Nature-based Solutions" @PolEcoNet

1/5 Recognition of multi-scale power inequalities
"our nature is not your solution"

2/5 Elliot introduces three interesting lenses, incl. NbS as infrastructure

3/5 and NbS as landscapes, or 'multispecies assemblages'

4/5 The risk of NbS as landscape simplification (Elliot drew from his exp with constructed wetlands)

5/5 NbS as expanding biopolitics, i.e. the need to control an increasing array of lifecycles

perhaps of interest @annie_welden @AChausson @SumeteePahwa

Thanks @elliotjchurst - look forward to reading your work in print!

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