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Sep 22, 2020, 12 tweets

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Friday, September 22, 1944


The landing of the @82ndABNDiv’s 325 Glider Infantry Regiment, scheduled to land near Overasselt on Sep 19th, was postponed, for the fourth time, due to bad weather in England (couldn’t take off)

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More of the 30 Corps tanks reached Nijmegen, allowing for reinforcement of defenses along 82d held ground. One British recce troop managed to reach the Poles at Driel. A double axis advance by two battalions, met heavy resistance.

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The German troops were still attacking The Corridor around Nijmegen, but they had thus far been unsuccessful in cutting The Corridor or completely stopping the American advance toward Arnhem.

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Having opened The Corridor and cleared the route of enemy troops at Eindhoven and Son, the @101stAASLTDIV set up positions at St Oedenrode and Veghel. The area between the two towns was under near-constant pressure from German counterattacks.

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The German 59 Infanteriedivision Germans attacks the Corridor from the west. and the east (KAMPFGRUPPE Walther attacks from the east towards the highway bridge over the Zuid-Willemsvaart Canal at Veghel.

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All day: The Germans kept mounting attacks against the 101st positions at Eindhoven, Son, St. Oedenrode, and Veghel. It was a constant back and forth: the Germans would attack, cut The Corridor, then the Screaming Eagles would push them back.

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~ 11:30 AM - whilst the column of the Wehrmacht leading 69 Infanterie Bridage (50 Infanterie-Division) was passing through, heavy shelling of Veghel and the road to Uden commenced and all traffic stopped.

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~ 2PM, Wehrmacht 59 Infanterie-Division & Kampfgruppe Walther attack Veghel from all sides, but an improvised Allied effort - US airborne troops, UK tank, anti-tank, anti-aircraft and artillery fire and air support - in close co-operation, eventually stops the attacks.

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~ 2:35 PM: 30 CORPS promised the 101st the support of tanks and infantry of Grenadier and Coldstream Guards Group, which were directed south along the Corridor.

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Private 1st Class David Kenyon Webster of the 506th Easy Company (played by Eion Bailey in “Band of Brothers”), said of the rain of artillery at Veghel: “It was a very depressing atmosphere listening to the civilians moan, shriek, sing hymns, and say their prayers.”

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Webster (pictured) also told of his time in a foxhole with Private Donald Wiseman: “Every time we heard a shell come over, we closed out eyes and put our heads between our legs. Every time the shells went off, we looked up and grinned at each other.”


By day’s end: still no reinforcement to the British paras in Arnhem.

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