People_of_Space: Profile picture

Sep 22, 2020, 7 tweets

So let's see what a Pulsar looks like from the surface to the interior

The outer crust of Pulsars is made of nuclei (like iron) in a sea of electrons. As we go deeper inside, the nuclei are more rich in neutrons (like exotic nuclei in our labs)

As we enter deeper into the Pulsar, extreme densities start to distort the nuclei, twisting them into strange shapes, resembling "pasta" 🍝 (yes, you read that right) 😉

Yes, that's exactly how the Pulsar inner crust looks like 😋

..deformed nuclei shaped like pasta finally melting under extreme densities into a soup of neutrons in the outer core..

..what lies in the inner core of a Pulsar is still a mystery 🧐 & a subject of active research. There are many models in this unknown density regime (I can tell you what I exactly do & how I do it later this week)

But there is a recent revolutionary discovery that is helping us crack this mystery! 🙌 I will talk about this tomorrow 🤓 Stay tuned 😉

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