Andy Arthur 🐣 Threadinburgh 🧵 Profile picture
Overlooked stories of Edinburgh, Leith & Scottish local history. Expect the unexpected: people, buildings, transport, maps & occasional attempts to be funny

Sep 22, 2020, 6 tweets

Fair play to the enthusiasm of the estate agent who currently has this listed as a "leafy courtyard development"
(whispers, the "leaves" are there to try and mask the Lothian Buses garage which you can see over the back fence)

Ok, now *this* makes it a courtyard development!

Jacquard loom cards as a municipal housing aesthetic.

Trying to work out if the #greyplague conversion has kept anything apart from some of the original walls

"we were thinking on an extension but can you make it look like an outside toilet please?"

before and after #greyplague

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