Ravilious Profile picture
A tribute to the work of British artist Eric Ravilious (1903-1942) & with it so many other things in the natural world around us.

Sep 22, 2020, 5 tweets

#BeyondRavilious: James Ravilious was Eric and Tirzah’s son, born in Eastbourne in August 1939 just before his father went to war. He studied at St Martin’s School of Art & in 1970 moved to Devon where he began to photograph a disappearing rural life. He died in 1999. [thread]

#BeyondRavilious: In my view James Ravilious captured people in their environment in the same way his father captured landscape. This Devon farmer in a rural lane with his sheep is a good example. More on James at jamesravilious.com

#BeyondRavilious: I also think he was superb in making the ordinary extraordinary like this image of a rural Devon farmhouse in the 1970s. More on James at jamesravilious.com

#BeyondRavilious: A lot of his photographs have a vanishing point which draws you in. I adore this. More of his images taken in #Appledore are here: northdevonmovingimage.org.uk/hidden-histori…

#BeyondRavilious: Images like this one make me believe he had his parents eye for landscape. I wish I’d met him. And these are just a few of many, many images. There are books, and his website, do have a look: jamesravilious.com

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