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Communications strategy consultant (see pinned tweet). Connect with me for corporate workshops on personal branding. No paid posts - my words are not for sale.

Sep 23, 2020, 10 tweets

Guideline for media: if you are planning to 'celebrate' Ayushmann Khurrana's mention in TIME magazine's The Most Influential People of 2020 list, remember that you may be tacitly approving 2 other entries that may color you and your media as anti-national. 1/3

2/3 Also note that Ayushmann Khurrana's introduction is by a person who is being investigated and interrogated by the highest institutions of justice in India (a.k.a Times NOW and Navika Kumar) right now and every night for the foreseeable future.

3/3 So, if you think you can get away by writing only about Ayushmann Khurrana and ignore the person who wrote his introductory note, or the other 2 entries, trust people to add what you 'missed' to your news.

The score, so far, from the papers I observed today:
TOI Mumbai mentions Bilkis' entry alone - not Modi or Ayushmann. TOI Delhi mentions Ayushmann alone, not Modi. Basically, for TOI, Modi was not listed at all.

Mumbai Mirror mentions all 3 - Modi, Ayushmann and Bilkis. They also mention *WHY* Modi was listed (meaning: negative influence is also 'influence').

While The Hindu (English) did not have any mention of this news at all, the Tamil Hindu Thisai had a funny mention about Modi's entry where it completely ignores the negative influence note and says this is his 4th time for this honour :)

Dinamalar seems very fair and balanced - they mention the listing, the note that refers to the negative influence and also that TIME had mentioned him as a kind of PM never seen in the last 10 years in India when he won the re-election last year.

The Pioneer mentions all 3, with focus on Ayushmann, but not on why Modi was listed.

Mid Day has the same note as Pioneer. Both must be from this PTI report that does not mention the reason for Modi's listing. bit.ly/3hYV2zm

Mint mentions Bilkis, and makes a rudimentary mention of Modi's and Ayushmann's inclusion in the list but not why Modi has been included (negative influence). Read together, it makes it seem like Modi and Ayushmann have both been listed for positive influence.

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