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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Sep 23, 2020, 8 tweets

Illicit trade has a detrimental impact on the substantial growth of legitimate business in the country. It negatively impacts on our economy and has proven hazardous to the health and safety of Kenyans.


Earlier today, Chief Justice @dkmaraga launched the 2nd Edition of the Enforcement Manual to Combat Illicit Trade & the Practitioners' Guide for Enforcement Officers to Combat Illicit Trade, done by KAM, @ACAKenya, Judicial Training Institute & @NCAJKe.


Chief Justice @dkmaraga also launched the virtual training of judges and magistrates on the protection of intellectual property and enforcement against the various forms of illicit trade.


The Practitioner’s Guide summarizes the contents of the Enforcement Manual for use by enforcement officers, practitioners and the general public in the fight against illicit trade.


The Enforcement Manual to Combat Illicit Trade in Kenya serves as a quick reference point on matters illicit trade, including protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.


KAM Chair, @MucaiKunyiha - KAM has been a key stakeholder in championing the war against counterfeiting. We have achieved this through collaboration, coordination & cooperation with government enforcement institutions mandated to fight against illicit trade.


.@ACAKenya Chair, @FloraMutahi - Illicit trade threatens the growth of sectors we aim to grow, such as Manufacturing under the #BigFourAgenda. Enhanced Public & Private sector partnerships will ensure sustainability in the fight against this vice in Kenya.


Chief Justice @dkmaraga - The Judiciary is a key stakeholder in the fight against illicit trade. The training of judges and magistrates is relevant and timely. It shall have a positive impact on the fight against the vice.


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