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Sep 23, 2020, 6 tweets

Everyone needs to read this article by Barton Gellman. "Trump will concede defeat under no circumstances" should be treated as axiomatic. Short thread with key bits. 1

We should expect to see this and be prepared for it. Prepared how? I have no idea. 2

3. Wisconsin has a particularly lawless set of Republicans controlling the legislature. This makes me think we can't count on Wisconsin regardless of the polling there.

4. This is yet another reason the Senate race is critical. If you've not been paying attention to it, do so. Donating and volunteering for Senate races is critical.

5. Good. We need normies like Clinton urging Biden to not concede in a contested election. He will feel immense pressure to concede for the sake of national unity. He'd be signing the death warrant for American democracy.

Also glad "serious" people are mentioning secession.

6. Finally, this. We're counting on people at all levels and walks of life to do the right thing. Read the whole thing. /end

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