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Sep 23, 2020, 18 tweets

live tweeting: "Time's Up: Eliminating Sexual Harassment & Gender Inequity in Healthcare" by @SharonneHayes

Women may have different leadership styles than men. Countries led by women have had fewer issues with COVID-19 🔥

Women are here to stay in healthcare!

The fact that this was published, in multiple editions, proves that more women need to be involved in publishing.

Gender harassment is more pervasive than overt acts of sexual coercion.

Busting Myth #1: Sexual harassment doesn't just happen to a few women - it's pervasive. And generally unreported.

Busting myth #2: It's not just a few "bad apples." Rather, organizational climates allow harassment ("structural sexism"?)

Busting myth #3: The impact is very real, in multiple dimensions. Sexual harassment is a severe occupational hazard which (within the research realm) constitutes research misconduct (potentially meriting defunding researchers).

UVM is a signatory at Time's Up Healthcare.

Policies and training can help staff deal with sexual harassment. Good intentions aren't enough. Centralizing processes within an organization can help as well.

Incidents should be investigated systematically. Implementing a system to deal with reporting at Mayo led to a temporary surge in reports. Internally *posting* data changed the institutional culture, by demonstrating that incidents were taken seriously.

Most reports were substantiated, largely relating to male physicians in positions of power. Mayo is tracking out sexual harassment the way everyone else is tracking COVID.

Harassment is a marker for other dimensions of inequity (e.g. under-representation in leadership).

*Equity* is analogous to tailoring heart failure therapy specific to different genders. Alternatively, *equality* would involve treating every patient exactly the same way.

Mothership Penality: Women may be less likely to be hired or offered a high salary.

No more #mantels! (shoutout to @iwashyna)

- Recognizing unconscious biases.
- Avoid the competence-vs-likability dilemma.

We have a long ways to go. (My apologies for barely scratching the surface of this incredible talk)

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