James Croxton Profile picture
Queer | Coda | EIC @DoubleSided541, Reporter @LCRWnews, Research @chemweaponsci | Previously @villageportland, @dailyemerald, @lcctorch | RT/Like ≠ Endorsement

Sep 24, 2020, 54 tweets

Hiii. It's been a while since we've done this, huh?

I just got to The Whitaker area for a planned pop-up protest and direct action.

Here with me from the @DailyEmerald is @menshawnie.

Plan to meet up with @CFrancisOLeary later at the federal courthouse.

Raining hard. Theres ~ 20 people here

Im downtown now heading to the courthouse

At the courthouse. Nobody really here yet but media.

Things are about to get underway. I'll try and tweet but it's raining hard still.

Leadership says this will happen every day

Speaking on #BreonnaTaylor

Cars trying to drown out the chanting

Slight altercation

Between 100 and 125 people here

Still marching

At the Lane County Jail. These large black posts in front are new.

Lasers pointed towards the cameras

We are leaving now.

Leadership is saying these posts for a fence will not deter them

March is continuing

C-pros have made their presence known.

Blocking another intersection for a few minutes

Cars are blasting music while those inside laugh. Leadership is calling out their white privilege — and especially their hop hop music.

Back at the federal courthouse now. Things are wrapping up.

It looks like BIPOC Liberation Collective is taking over the mic.

It appears that another march is going to start

March #2 of the night

I'd estimate there are still 50 people here marching

Streets are being blocked all around us

A dumpster and mattress (not pictured) have been added.

The scent of spray paint is filling the air

The crowd just collectively waved to the UOPD officers ahead

Johnson Hall has gotten some new paint

Law enforcement has arrived. Cant tell if it is EPD or UOPD

The group has decided to start splitting up and go home.

@mgbelka and I split off to reconvene with the other members of the press.

We all got back together and @menshawnie and I are heading to our vehicles.


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