Robby Soave Profile picture
@reason senior editor. @RisingTheHill host of Rising. "Sought-after player in Beltway's D&D circles" "noted scooter anthropologist" "baby Ryan Seacrest"

Sep 24, 2020, 11 tweets

Was just instructed (nicely) by the protesters not to take pictures.

Lots of banging, fireworks, and some smoke canisters.

Many on foot, many bicycles, some scooters, some skateboards, some fancy motor wheels, and at least one roller blader, who wiped out right next to me. As an infrequent blader, I can relate. (I’m on a scooter right now.)

Well everything was extremely calm until a guy with a baseball bat did this to the Starbucks off DuPont Circle. As I took this photo a protester with a black umbrella tried to block me.

Happened right in front me, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Afterward I tried to reassure umbrella man that I didn’t have a photo of the window smashing guy. “What guy?” he says.

March continues. Point seems to be to make as much noise as possible, to wake up the complacent white liberals.

More window smashing. Police following at a distance but not intervening in any way.

Now have moved to the harassing outdoor restaurant diners phase

Riot police guarding McDonalds, which will end up saving their windows

A guy took his skateboard and pushed it toward an officer’s face; he got arrested after a scuffle.

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