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Tagaungkat ng past sa bawat pa-🍵. Tweets are mine, wag assuming. #TheChroniclesOfAssholes

Sep 24, 2020, 15 tweets

We continue our tale of another Tulfo parasite, #BlackEyedMon, the eldest, who insulted construction workers calling them lazy & slow. #TutaNiPooh

@supernegatrona @akatsukichan2x @serrano_rene

Being the eldest, he should have set an example to his siblings but he is not different from them. The rotten fruit didn’t fall far from its tree. #DDSMon #MonTheTroll #BlackEyedMon @PunchTheLies @JohnronP @BKwago @MyRizalPH @legallyzen

When #ErwinTheTroll made a grave mistake in slurring a former general for his alleged inefficiency in @dswdserves, #BlackEyedMon told him to apologize but the apology was half-baked.

In fairness to #BlackEyedMon, he took the responsibility because he said he was the one who sent him to school and shortcomings occurred under his watch.

His appointment/reappointment by the #InutilNaPagong as China special envoy raised eyebrows because he is not qualified & appears to be #TutaNiPooh @MaamSyj @VButchoy @rryyyaaaannnn @zryanverse @marishidalgo1 @barnabychuck @JerryGracio @JayBatongbacal

In his Manila Times column, he argues that Filipinos should trust #CCPGreed #XiTler making him #TraitorMon

#BlackEyedMon being a “journalist”, gets libel cases and one of them is filed by #InutilNaPagong’s Executive Sec. Medialdea because of his Manila Times column dated July 25, 2019.

#DDSMedialdea filed not just 1 but 3 libel cases against him because #BlackEyedMon accused him of asking for P72M to release the reward money to Felicito Mejorado amounting to P272.07M. @hotmanila @TheGodfatherXXI @tessgarcia @supernegatrona

#BlackEyedMon was also slapped with a libel case by the gatekeepers of the gods of Tandang Sora because he accused the cult of having a large private army.

If you could recall, a former INC minister alleged before that the cult had a private army or a death squad called SCAN w/ members from the police and the armed forces who were responsible for his alleged abduction which the INC denied. #KultoNiManalo

It is right to say that #BlackEyedMon doesn’t always agree w/ his siblings esp. about the P60M ad placement w/c will be tackled in another tale. He refers to his brother as #BenTulfoBlackSheep resulting to a rift between them.

#BlackEyedMon made a claim too that #NinoyIsAHero staged his death but he provided no evidence to support it, merely erroneous assumptions. #MonTulfoConspiracyTheorist #NoToHistoricalRevisionism
@Xiao_Chua @indiohistorian @leahnavarro @ChelDiokno @mlq3

#BlackEyedMon gave the "healing tea" to @bongbongmarcos to help him recover from COVID19. He bragged about it in his column. See the connection there? Tulfo ➡️Marcos ➡️China ➡️ 🐢#MonTulfoMarcosApologist #MarcosNotAHero

#BlackEyedMon got his black-eye from the #ThrillaInNAIA when things became physical between him and #BeastmodeClaudineBarreto et al resulting to a court battle among them.

Reviewing this thread, we leave you again w/ some questions: Do you trust #BlackEyedMon? Does he have the right to be a journalist? Should he be appointed/reappointed to any gov’t position? #VoteWisely @supernegatrona @ToniSpeakEasy @akatsukichan2x @makeapoint690 @pripri_gosakto

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