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Communications at B Strategic Partners. I'm interested in international relations and security. #RecognisetheGenocide1971 #HimalayasWatch @GFAfghanistan

Sep 24, 2020, 6 tweets…

@simonamangiante transcripts to the House Intelligence Committee revealed serious wrongdoing by the London Centre of International Law Practice.

Nagi Idris and Joseph Misfud were encouraging Simona to embellish and lie on LCILP's behalf.

LCILP should have been the centre of the FBI and Special Counsel's probe just by looking at the congressional testimony. The fact it was staffed with Americans in a foreign capital should have raised alarm bells.

@RepSwalwell @RepAdamSchiff @DevinNunes

British allies at @guardian @peterjukes @carolecadwalla wanted Joseph Mifsud to be some kind of Russian connection to Brexit. The photo of him with @BorisJohnson a gift. It wasn't to be.

Mifsud fought for Malta to be in the EU. He thought Brexit would be a disaster for the UK.

@simonamangiante testified that LCILP were running secret symposiums in the Middle East.

Mifsud told the FBI he was working with Prince Turki's guys at KFCRIS.

We also know Arvinder Sambei and Martin Polaine had a contract with the US State Department to teach intelligence.

Simona testified that Nagi Idris encouraged her to share information on the European Parliament that was not public.

LCILP should have been the focus of Robert Mueller, @AWeissmann_ @petestrzok probe. There is plenty of evidence LCILP were involved in shady business.

MI5 and other British agencies should have been warned by the FBI if it was a genuine investigation.

LCILP were encouraging bad behaviour. We also know that LCILP used the credentials of Gary Born, an American lawyer @WilmerHale to boost their reach.

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