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Sep 24, 2020, 15 tweets

History of Vizianagaram
The history of Vizianagaram district is connected with hoary past of Kalinga, one of the political divisions of ancient India.
Only in modern times, the upper part of Kalinga was gradually merged into Odisha State and the

lower part into north Andhra Region. empire extended from Vidanasi Cuttak in odisha to Pithapuram in Godavari District. Even as far back as the 4th Century B.C. The Nandas ruled the area between 467 B.C.
Pc: Ghanikonda Jain rock cut cave

The Nandas ruled the area between 467 B.C. and 336 B.C. They were followed by the the Matharas, the Vasisthas, the Vishnukundins, the early Eastern Gangas, the Eastern Chalukyas of Vangi, the late Eastern Gangas, and the eastern chalukya who ruled over the area constituting

The present uttarandhra region.
Recorded evidence shows that some dynasties like the Rapatri Chiefs, the E. Gangas of Jantarunadu (the track now known as Srungavarapukota), ruled over parts of the district from the 12th century to the middle of the 15th century at

at various periods of time.
*Bobbili who acknowledged the suzerainty of the Gangas of Kalinga held away over parts of the district for nearly a hundred years from middle of the 14th Century.
Ganga monument of Narayanapura

The shilas of Nandapura had its power during medical era in this region .
So mostly we found such ancient shrines which belong to 7th to 12th century AD.
* A picture of Dibilingeswara Temple

The Kakatiyas under Ganapatideva defeated the Velanati Chola Chief, Prithvisvara who was rulling over the territory in 1210 but the territory was recovered by the Eastern Gangas during the region of Ananga Bhima III.
*The Gajapatis of Utkala then came to rule the territory

after overthrowing the Eastern Gangas in A.D.1443.
The rule of the Gajapatis over the area lasted for about 140 years till the Qutb Shahis conquered the territory around A.D.1574 *Consequent on the Occupation of Golconda by the Mughals in A.D.1687,
Padmanavam Madhava temple

the area came under the control of the Mughals.
When the Viceroy of Deccan, Nizam-ul-Mulk-Asaf Jah declared his independence In 1724, the area came under Asaf Jahis .
(Pic of Jamia musjid built under Sher Mohamed khan in 1641 chikakole)

When Asaf Jah died, Salabat Jung who came to power with the backing of the French General Bussy, rewarded the French by ceding four Circars including the Chicacole Circar in 1753.
* An intersting event in the history comes to seen after this period .

Mean while the area was under control of Maharajah of Jeypore.
*Later the Poosapati dynasty came in to picture in the district
*The important event of the war between the the district occurred by about this time is the war between Rajas of Vizianagaram and Bobbili.

Another important event in the history of the area is the war between the French and the English fought at Chandurthi in1758
in which the French were defeated and the Northern Circars were made over to the British under a firmana from the Mughal Emperor, Shah Alam in 1765

The history of the rebellions against the alien rule goes 1830 when the people of the district particularly the tribals,unable to beat the oppression,in frequent rabellions (fituris)leading to the establishment of seperate admin system known as "Agency Administration"

The rebellion of Korra Malliah, a tribal chief of the Salur area against the British rule in 1900 is another important event in the struggle against the alien rule.
The Magistrate despatched Reserve Police to suppress the revolt which was seriously resisted by the people.

After abolition of zamindari in 1948 a new dist named vizianagram came in to existence bifurcating Vizagapatam. 1979 it came to a new shape which is present day dist map.
Picture of Jayathi ancient group of shrines

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