Millennials Are Killing Capitalism Profile picture
Millennials Are Killing Capitalism is an anti-capitalist podcast hosted by @queersocialism and @jaybeware. New logo by @cemicool. Music by @TELEVANGEL_

Sep 24, 2020, 7 tweets

NEW: "It's Really Up To Us" @TheBarbaraSmith on Combahee, Coalitions and The Hamer-Baker Plan to Dismantle White Supremacy

Here is the initial piece on @TheBarbaraSmith's Hamer-Baker plan…

In this episode we talk about Barbara Smith’s latest piece on the Hamer-Baker plan to dismantle white supremacy. We also discuss the work of the Combahee River Collective and Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press. ……

.@TheBarbaraSmith talks about the challenges of coalitional politics and the need for white left political groups to desegregate their personal lives as a necessary precondition to desegregating their political spaces.

.@TheBarbaraSmith also discusses some of her role models including Lorraine Hansberry, James Baldwin, and Howard Zinn (this was recorded beore Tr*mp's executive order attacking educators who teach Zinn & CRT) and her comradeship with Audre Lorde & others. ……

finally @TheBarbaraSmith discusses the term identity politics, which first appeared in the Combahee River Collective Statement and her own opinion on its current use and demonization. ……

also mentioned in the episode Bernice Johnson Reagan's piece Coalition Politics: Turning The Century ……

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