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Gₒd ₐₗwₐyₛ Wᵢₙₛ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈️ Drop Digger/Esoteric Knowledge s33k3r

Sep 25, 2020, 15 tweets

So I went to go and hit on the new drop (at the time!). I was interested to look back and re-read. Cause, I do that. I did find an interesting little bit. I'll talk through it. Let's start with drop 4574 first. (We Will tackle this a couple ways.)

Red highlights the purposeful (WW) though not in parenthesis. I also noticed, V or E? well E is +5 from A. V is - 5 from Z. Just sayin'. Any who this prompted me to search the drops for "(WW)".

Alright I'm throwing this one up for a reason, 1332. Not only because it contains the phase but also because I've been looking at Grass's tweets. Yup, it ties into this one. We can see the WW, plus Sept. 11 ref? News unlocks map? I dunno.

So how does Grassley's tweet tie into this? Well the last post he put on #cornwatch (at the time). Time stamp of 14:29
Corresponding drop is such. The Truth is right in front of us? The link is a previous DJT tweet. Time? 1:32pm? 1332?

Drop 1332 has a link, to a vid, which is 5:49 secs. (YT tries to trim a second off it (at least for me)). Now I just plugged the length in at face value. (though I noted 4*9=36 4*5=20) Drop 1429 has a TS of 3:06:04, just sayin. Link length, 5:49, to drop 549.

So the only glaring similarity is that is has a ten in common with the previous drop. I just nix it out, that read's to 512, I thought this was interesting. Just that similarity to 1429 (language). I want to look at em' 1429 512 more closely.

Interesting that 1429 has ten spaces inbetween, (what we nixed before) also interesting that the tie back response (512) has 4 spaces inbetween. I wonder if there is correlation to removing the :04 from 1429. Notably they are on opposites, 04 at the end, 10 at the beginning.

Lets look at those two drops side by side. Couldn't help but notice the same 1on the left and 9 on the right. Hence why I highlighted the last 10/4 as such (last tweet). What's left in the middle? 2230, 121.

I'll do 121 cause I'm not sure the process on this one, previous methods/keys don't apply. Or I'm not seeing it...or it doesn't exist. I dunno, just trying to read the map. Drops and contents none the less, plus moving on to 2230 the other in between 1 (2230) 9.

2230 Has some figures we've been using. 10/4 helped us arrive at this point and is featured in these drops likewise. Not to mention the topics seem relevant right now. Lets use our keys to keep on truckin. Patriots Fight!

147 is first. Notice that second stamp. Get rid of the 0 & 4. You have 327, we've been there already so I'm just gonna move forward. I'll keep this one in mind if anything pops up. Next we head to drop 503.

503's kinda got it all. Those 10/4's in both the drops, for whatever reason it reminds me of 2230, maybe it's some of the #'s. Notice the orig 503 + 17 is 521. Using our key, we get there anyways! Same method. We nix that key.

Ok last two I'm gonna do, kinda wraps up nicely here. (Though, there is more that can be done to try and find a readable path.) Drop 409 and 521 as follows. Ultimately have to discern for yourselves, I'm just a dude, trying to learn.

A thought for parting...1429 has the same 3 & 6. 521(yes I know this include 512) has 18:18. Added = 36? Important. Dunno. Wait (Drop 409), what's 4 * 9 = 36.

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