Aaron Maté Profile picture
Journalist w/ @TheGrayzoneNews / Writing: https://t.co/y3NxUhLQQm / Co-host: @UsefulIdiotpod. Email: aaronmate@protonmail.com

Sep 25, 2020, 7 tweets

This interview w/ William Barnett, FBI agent on Mueller team, is devastating. He says Flynn case theory was "supposition on supposition" & that he wanted off of it. Also says Mueller prosecutors were guided not by evidence, but their conspiracy theories. courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…

William Barnett, FBI agent on Mueller team, says Mueller's prosecutors were not guided by the evidence; interpreted info to fit their biases; chased repeated collusion dead ends; and used the probe to, in his words, "get Trump." Not a good look. Will it get reported?

.@AWeissmann_ thought Trump-Russia "proof of collusion" occurred in an unspecified "meeting on a yacht near Greece."

It didn't work out, but maybe Weissmann can buy a yacht w/ the money he's making off his new book peddling his conspiracy theories to a captive liberal audience.

Manafort case went "to a counterintelligence squad." That means:

A) contra to what @nytmike suggested (he can't assert it), CI was pursued

B) this CI probe never accused Kilimnik of being a Russian spy, only undefined "ties." I'd trust that over the Senate Intel Committee.

I just wrote about the large gap between the FBI's info about Konstanin Kilimnik and the Senate Intel Committee's claim that he's a Russian spy here: (realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/…).

Worth noting a DOJ spox told me that "the Mueller report speaks for itself."

IMO FBI Agent Barnett just blew a major hole in Senate Intel report. Report said Manafort's role in Trump campaign was "a grave counterintelligence threat."

Barnett says Manafort was investigated by an FBI counterintel squad. Does Senate Intel think they didn't do their job?

In @thenation a year ago (thenation.com/article/archiv…), I noted absurdity of FBI/Mueller shaping their probe around "erroneous interpretations of public events", e.g. RNC platform on Ukraine, in part due to their Cold Warrior chauvinism. FBI agent on Mueller team substantiates that:

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