Ravilious Profile picture
A tribute to the work of British artist Eric Ravilious (1903-1942) & with it so many other things in the natural world around us.

Sep 25, 2020, 5 tweets

#BeyondRavilious: A Friday extra... I’m glad many of you liked the thread about Eric’s son, James Ravilious’ photographs. One thing I see in them is the recurring use of Vanishing Points, which draw you in, they give depth, on so many levels really. Here’s a few examples.

#BeyondRavilious: James Ravilious’ Vanishing Points... A Devon Cattle Market.

#BeyondRavilious: James Ravilious’ Vanishing Points... Drainage work in a Devon field

#BeyondRavilious: James Ravilious’ Vanishing Points... A Devon lane and sheep in a field.

#BeyondRavilious: and then compare these to some of his father’s work. I see the same eye at work in both. Just fabulous.

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