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Sep 26, 2020, 5 tweets

Polling has begun in Sabah with a total of 2,540 voting channels in 73 state constituencies opened at 7.30am.

Over one million people are eligible to cast their ballots in the 16th state election.


Voters are required to have their temperature taken, wear face masks, use sanitizers and practice physical distancing, as part of Covid-19 SOPs.

More than 1,500 health workers are being stationed at the polling centres statewide.


📷: BFM

Some voters travelled by boat to cast their ballots at SK Pulau Gaya. #PRNSabah

A health worker explains to BFM about the importance of thorough SOP compliance due to concerns over possible Covid-19 spread from asymptomatic virus carriers during the Sabah polls.


Election Commission staff assisted a senior citizen to cast his vote in N58 Lamag.

EC officials are on hand to aid the elderly and those with special needs through the voting process.

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