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Sep 26, 2020, 6 tweets

12/29/16: Flynn took call from Russia Amb Kislyak while in Dominican Republic. Flynn said Obama's going to dismiss Russians over current cyber stuff & asked Russia to only make it reciprocal. Same day, Obama seized 2 Russia compounds in NYC & Maryland Eastern Shore & expelled 35.

01/12/17: David Ignatius wrote in WaPo, "according to senior US government official, Flynn phoned Russian Amb Kislyak several times Dec 29, day Obama announced expulsion of 35 Russian officials as well as other measures in retaliation for the hacking.…

This is the Long Island property that Obama "seized" and expelled 35 Russian officials.

I just learned that the Russians own another property on Long Island that Obama didn't seize! Why?

The Soviet Union bought the Killenworth mansion on Dosoris Lane in nearby Glen Cove in 1946, according to a Newsday story from that year.

What is the significance of Obama seizing the Elmcroft Estate on Long Island and not the Killenworth mansion, less than 10 miles away?

It is the Killenworth Mansion, which Obama didn't seize, which was used to spy on the Long Island defense industry and high-tech firms, a Soviet defector and a U.S. official told Newsday in 1982.

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