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Sep 26, 2020, 6 tweets

The Election Commission has reported a 32% voter turnout at the Sabah polls, as of 11am.

Chairman Datuk Abdul Ghani says, the EC is targeting a voter turnout of 70 to 75 percent.


As of noon, 41 percent of voters have cast their ballots. - EC


The EC is reporting a voter turnout of 48 percent, as of 1pm.

Voters are urged to comply with the Covid-19 SOP implemented at polling stations.


Voter turnout is at 54 percent, as of 2pm.

The Election Commission says it will not extend voting time beyond 5pm. Only those who have already registered before the set time and are queuing up will be allowed to cast their votes.


58 percent of voters have cast their ballots at the Sabah polls, as of 3pm. - EC


Polling stations at the Sabah state election closed at 5pm and the vote-counting process is underway. #PRNSabah

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