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Sep 26, 2020, 31 tweets

Portland proud boy rally

“Fuck antifa”

Joe Biggs, one the organizers, says there’s no plans to go into the rest of the city

Sam, passing out “back the blue” stickers

There’s about 200 proud boys/trump supporters at Delta Park

John Duncan, says it’s just rally, says he came here because of Jay

Joe Biggs tells the proud boys “If your not qualified or cleared to talk to press through your leadership, shut the fuck up”

Older proud boy asks people to Chip in for beer run “we’re a men’s drinking fraternity”

One man is passing out signs of Aaron “Jay” Danielson

skyler jernigan frequently attends right wing rallies in Portland, he is here

A counter protester is chased out of the park by Proud Boys

Hundreds of proud boys chant “Fuck antifa”

A local television station has security with them carrying an assault rifle

Proud boys in Portland

“We’re gonna monitor those ballots when they come in” Oregon woman for trump organizer says their going to “protect” ballot drop off locations

Proud boys “pray for Portland”

American wolf arrives to drop off shields to proud boys

John Turano “base spartan”, has attended right wing rallies all over the country

American wolf arrives to hand out shields

This is the first police I’ve seen, their hanging out on the outskirts

A bicyclist is stopped by proud boys, a kind of checkpoint before letting him pass through

Proud boys leaving the park

David Willis, whose attended many right wing rallies

A firefighter for Black Lives Matter counter protests proud boys at the exit

Proud boys exit the park

A black lives matter counter protest, 500-1,000 people

“Nazis out”

The No drama llama

A separate Black Lives Protest at Irving park, a few hundred people

Man open carrying says there’s no reason for police to talk to him if their or talking to the proud boys about open carrying

This is the end of the proud boy thread

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