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Sep 26, 2020, 9 tweets

🌎πŸ₯Š DEEP DIVE β€” November's election represents a hinge moment for America's place in the world.

It may be living through the last gasps of America First β€” or just getting a taste of what's to come, @DavidLawler10 writes.…

❌ This year's UN General Assembly was another opportunity missed for any coherent global action on dealing with devastation from the pandemic and for shaping a new global order.

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China is happy to work within existing multilateral structures, as long as they don't stop Beijing from doing what it wants, @BethanyAllenEbr writes.…

πŸ—£ Former Sec. of State and ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright:

"Another four years of this, and it really is going to be increasingly difficult to persuade anybody that we are going to be dependable partners."…

πŸ’‰ There was one major announcement on the sidelines of UNGA:

A global initiative to ensure equitable distribution of coronavirus vaccines now involves two-thirds of the world's population β€” but not the U.S., China or Russia.…

πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ The fact that world leaders couldn't gather in person for this year's General Assembly was another setback for Palestinian leaders, who are facing their worst diplomatic crisis in decades, @BarakRavid writes.…

πŸ“Š How the world views the UN

πŸ›‘ This is the longest the UN has gone without adding a member and β€” with Palestine still an "observer state" β€” that seems unlikely to change soon.…

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