Aditya A Joshi Profile picture
Advanced HF Cardiologist in making @UWCardiology. Son, Husband to @AvanteeG, Dad, Physician. @FCBarcelona. Opinions own.

Sep 26, 2020, 11 tweets

@krishnapatel888 presenting the case before we start the debate. @MyASNC #ASNC2020 #CVNuc

Images and MBFR presented ! Pay attention to LAD and LCX territories.


Make sure to vote in the poll!

This was how the scan was reported. #ASNC2020

Would you have randomized her in ISCHEMIA?

What is the next step you would pursue?
Vote away in the poll. @MyASNC #ASNC2020 #CVNuc

This was her cath and this was what was pursued. She underwent successful PCI!

That was the case and now we move onto the debates!!

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