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News Editor @MSFreePress •Head of the Mississippi Chapter of the Rainbow Supremacists •Husband+Pibble dad •Opinions=Mine •Tips:

Sep 26, 2020, 10 tweets

THREAD: As Trump announces Amy Coney Barrett, read this March 31, 2016 speech Hillary Clinton gave that the national media mostly ignored:

"In a single term, the Supreme Court could demolish pillars of the progressive movement. ..." 1/…

HRC, 2016: "I see this as make-or-break. If you care about the fairness of elections, future of unions, racial disparities in universities, the rights of women or future of our planet, you should care about who wins the presidency & appoints the next Supreme Court justices.” 2/

In the 3/30/2016 speech, HRC also rejected GOP claims that they believed in the principle of presidents not choosing new SCOTUS justices in election years:

"We chose a president...twice. And I’ll tell you, those are not high-minded principles—they are low-minded politics." 3/

HRC, 3/30/2016: “By Election Day, 2 justices will be (over 80)—past the Court’s average retirement age. The next president could end up nominating multiple justices. That means whoever America elects this fall will help determine the future of the Court for decades to come.” 4/

Google shows the top stories about Hillary the day after she gave that Supreme Court speech:

1. Fortune: "This is Why We're So Obsessed With Hillary's Hair"
2. WP: "What Some Men Have Against Hillary Clinton"
3. The Atlantic: "On Hillary Clinton as a 'Congenital Liar'" 5/

The first 9 Google results for news articles about "Hillary Clinton" on March 30-31, 2016 were not about her big Supreme Court speech on March 30.

Here's result 10:

The Nation: "Hillary Clinton Just Delivered the Strongest Speech of Her Campaign—and the Media Barely Noticed" 6/

"Nothing sums up the high-drama, low-substance nature of 2016 race coverage more than the underplaying of a serious speech about the Supreme Court."
@NicholsUprising on March 31, 2016

1 Neil Gorsuch, 1 Brett Kavanaugh, & 1 Amy Coney Barrett later... 7/…

GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley took notice though, saying of Clinton's Supreme Court speech:

“This is simply a blatant attempt by Secretary Clinton to politicize the Supreme Court and to change the conversation [from her emails]." 8/…

By the way, if you hear anyone call the idea of expanding the Supreme Court "extreme," here's another 2016 article for you:

"If Clinton Wins, Republicans Suggest Shrinking Size of Supreme Court" 9/…

"In a single term, the Supreme Court could demolish pillars of the progressive movement. ... you should care about who wins the presidency and appoints the next Supreme Court justices.”
—Hillary Clinton, March 30, 2020

A speech in WISCONSIN that most national media ignored. 10/

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