didn’t see you coming au Profile picture
a one night stand-turned-found family au written by @REECHlE | #dsyc | pfp @LiliaMuumi 🌸🎙📚 | completed 1/11/21

Sep 27, 2020, 153 tweets

292. Richie’s 📱 / Leo’s 📱

» saturday morning

[ welcome back! we’ll be jumping around a bit timeline wise, seeing about a week throughout tonight’s updates. ]

293. Leo’s 📱

[ 1/3 ]

294. Leo’s 📱

[ 2/3 ]

295. Leo’s 📱

[ 3/3 ]

296. Richie’s 📱

297. Richie’s 📱

298. Richie’s 📱

299. Richie’s 📱

💿: open.spotify.com/track/2ToOe247…

300. Eddie’s 📱

[ technical difficulties are making this the last for today, sorry folks. more coming monday 💕 ]

301. Eddie’s 📱

302. Leo’s 📱

303. Leo’s 📱

304. Richie’s 📧

[ email can also be accessed here for easier reading: docs.google.com/document/d/1HV… ]

305. Richie’s 📱

[ last for tonight. thanks y’all, see you on tuesday 💕 ]

306. Mike’s 📱

[ 🚲 🌌 ]

307. Mike’s 📱

308. Mike’s 📱

309. Bill’s 📱

310. Bill’s 📱

311. Bill’s 📱

312. Bill’s camera roll 📱📸

313. Bill’s 📱

[ last for tonight! see you thursday 💕 ]

314. Richie’s 📱/ Eddie’s 📱/ Leo’s 📱

[ it’s time for the recap of Eddie’s dinner with the Toziers! ]

315. Leo’s 📱

316. Richie’s 📱

317. Eddie’s 📱

318. Richie’s 📱 / Leo’s 📱

319. Eddie’s 📱

320. Leo’s 📱

321. Richie’s 📱

322. Eddie’s 📱

323. Richie’s 📱

324. Eddie’s 📱

325. Richie’s 📱

326. Eddie’s 📱

327. Leo’s 📱

328. Richie’s 📱

[ last post for tonight 💕 see you tuesday! ]

329. Richie’s 📧

[ it’s ski trip time! 💕 ]

330. The attached spreadsheet 📊

331. Leo’s 📱

332. Leo’s 📱

333. Eddie’s 📱

334. Eddie’s 📱

335. Eddie’s 📱

336. Eddie’s 📱

337. The last of Eddie’s packing 🧳

[ last for tonight! more tomorrow 💕 ]

338. Eddie’s 📱

339. Eddie’s 📱

340. Richie’s📱

341. Richie’s 📱

342. Leo’s 📱

343. Leo’s 📱

344. Richie’s 📱

345. Eddie’s 📱

346. Views from Cabin 1 📸

[ a few hours after check in ]

347. Half of Cabin 2 during and after the first ski of the trip 📸

348. The eastern side of the faculty chaperone cabin 📸

349. Richie’s 📱

350. Views from the western half of the faculty chaperone cabin, before and after Scrabble 📸

[ last for tonight! thanks! 💕 ]

351. Leo’s 📱

352. let’s meet some of the parent chaperones!

Christina’s 📱

353. Leo’s 📱

354. Eddie’s 📱

355. Christina’s 📱

356. Eddie’s 📱

357. Richie’s 📱

358. Leo’s 📱

359. Richie’s 📸

360. Leo’s 📸

361. Eddie’s 📸

362. Richie’s 📱

[ last for tonight! thanks 💕 ]

363. Richie’s 📱

364. Richie’s 📱

365. Richie’s 📱

366. Richie’s 📱

367. Autumn’s 📱

[ say hello autumn and tray (thrifty spice 🧦), two of the baristas at Cuppa Coffee! ]

368. Autumn’s 📱

369. Autumn’s 📱

370. Autumn’s 📱

371. Autumn’s 📱

372. Autumn’s 📱

373. Autumn’s 📱

374. Autumn’s 📱

375. Autumn’s 📱

376. Mike’s 📱

377. Richie’s 📱

[ last for tonight! thank you! ♥️ ]

378. Eddie’s 📱

⚠️ implied nsfw

379. Eddie’s 📱

380. Christina’s 📱

381. Leo’s 📱

382. Leo’s insta 📸

383. Max’s insta 📸, later that day

384. Mike’s insta 📸, end of day 4

385. Levi’s insta 📸, day 5

386. Richie’s 📱, mid-afternoon day 5

387. the instagram post in question 📸

388. Richie’s 📱, end of day 5.

389. Eddie’s 📱, later that night

390. Richie’s 📱, morning of day 6

391. Richie’s 📱

392. Richie’s insta 📸, as they’re boarding the bus home.

[ last for tonight. thank you! 💕]

393. Richie’s 📱

394. Leo’s 📱

395. Richie’s 📱

396. Leo’s 📱

397. Leo’s 📱

398. Leo’s 📱

399. Richie’s insta 📸

400. Leo’s insta 📸, a double post kind of day 😻

[ last for tonight. see you tomorrow! 💕 ]

401. Richie’s 📱

[ happy new year’s eve 🎉]

402. Richie’s 📱

403. Richie’s 📱

404. Eddie’s 📱

⚠️ non-explicit nsfw mention

405. Eddie’s 📱

⚠️ vague nsfw

406. Richie’s 📱

407. Eddie’s 📱

408. Bev’s 📱


f i v e


f o u r


t h r e e


t w o


o n e

414. Bev’s 📱

415. Richie’s 📱


[ last for tonight! see you tomorrow for the last day of the main story 💕 ]

416. Richie’s 📱

[ two days before adoption day! ]

417. Richie’s 📱

418. Richie’s 📱

419. Leo’s 📱

420. Richie’s 📱

421. Richie’s 📱

422. Richie’s 📸

[ the next day. one day until adoption day! ]

423. Eddie’s 📱

424. Eddie’s 📱

425. Richie’s 📱

426. Richie’s 📱

427. Richie’s record player 📻

💿: open.spotify.com/track/67HxeUAD…

428. Richie’s 📱

⚠️ vague emeto

429. Leo’s 📱

430. Richie’s 📱

💿: open.spotify.com/track/1zoYwnYz…

431. The Adoption Trial ⚖️

[ 1/4 ]

432. ⚖️

[ 2/4 ]

💿: open.spotify.com/track/2BXFx8kb…

433. ⚖️

[ 3/4 ]

434. ⚖️

[ 4/4 ]

💿: open.spotify.com/track/2nO1DYEg…

434.5 - The Full Transcript.

[ script pages were heavily inspired and adopted with permission from jessy @/richie_toze and their script pages for their au, New Guy! thank you so much, jessy 🦦💕 ]


435. Richie’s 📱

436. Leo’s 📱

437. Richie’s 📱

438. Leo’s 📱

439. Bev’s 📱

440. Eddie’s 📱

441. A (Couple) Note(s) Left Behind 🗒

[ last post. thank you. thank you. THANK YOU 💕 ]


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