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Focusing on Police Research | IR & Criminology @MonashUni | LLB @JindalGlobalUNI | Founder @IndianDefenceRA | sometimes equity & bonds

Sep 27, 2020, 11 tweets

Nagaland Police Special Task Force (STF) THREAD ↓

HQ - Kohima
Strength - 200 (approx)
Estb - 2019

There are currently 2 teams (100×2)

The force is headed by an Additional Superintendent Of Police (AdSP) which is unusual because I've never heard of a specialised police Cdo unit being led by an AdSP.

TRAINING - The unit first batch of 200 Cdos underwent a basic commando course at Nagaland Police's CIAT School Ruzaphema from 11 March '19 to 24 May '19 (pic 1 & 2)

For further training they were sent to NSG Trg HQ, Manesar (pic 3)

Men for the STF are drawn from the 15 Armed police Battalions which includes Nagaland IRB and Nagaland Armed Police.

In their weapons arsenal they have -
ARM1F 🇧🇬
H&K MP-5 🇩🇪
PLR Sytem X-95 🇮🇳🇮🇱
Glock pistol 🇦🇹


INSAS Exaclibur Mk1 🇮🇳
Ghatak 🇮🇳

I might sound like a hypocrite, Im all in for police modernisation but for a state like Nagaland the priority should be different. Hope STF confines to 2 teams & don't raise any additional teams only to equip them with expensive equipment

Priorities r different for Nagaland Pol

Reason why I'm saying this is because of the threat which Nagaland faces. The state is categorised as "max. security threat" by MHA but it doesn't faces threats in the Urban Environment (which the STF is made for), Nagaland faces threats in the jungles from the insurgents

So Nagaland, IMO should not waste money by raising more STF Coys. Rather focus more on arming the 15 odd Nagaland Armed Police Battalions with 7.62 rifles (as suggested by CAG) and improve civil Policing by bring back the body worn and dashboard cameras

As we are talking about Nagaland, thought it's important to add that MHA classifies states into Category A and B. Those falling under Cat. A are eligible for a 90:10 funds wherein 90% of funds for Pol Modernisation comes from MHA and state chips in 10%

That's it for today.
Next up - JKP SOG.

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