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#WestPapua #Papua Awareness | Separating truth from fiction | Fighting misinformation with Facts | Dedicated for a better West Papua & Papua

Sep 27, 2020, 19 tweets

Thank you PM Bob Loughman of #Vanuatu for speaking out at the UN today. You brought many important issues such as human rights conditions across the Pacific. We urge you to also look at the findings from the United States DOS Human Rights report 2019 on the condition in Vanuatu:

You can read the entire report here in the link below. But for convenience, here is the highlights: 1. Vanuatu is a vassal of China. China already gives hundreds of millions of US dollars to Vanuatu.…

On July 5 2019, Vanuatu authorities assisted Chinese police to deport six Chinese people (4 are Vanuatu citizens). After the Chinese Embassy provided warrants, Vanuatu arrested and deported them. They had no legal hearing before being deported.…

2. Abuse against women are prevalent, the Police and other authorities turn a blind eye, seldom enforces court orders.…

3. The media is regularly prosecuted for writing news the Vanuatu government does not like. In November, Dan McGarry, a Canadian citizen, longtime resident, and the editor of the country’s largest independent newspaper, the Daily Post, told media....…

...that the government refused to renew his work permit. McGarry said that in July the prime minister had summoned him and berated him for “negative reporting.”…

McGarry believed the prime minister was specifically displeased with Daily Post reporting in July about the government’s cooperation with China to deport six Chinese nationals, four of whom Vanuatu citizens. This is the report:…

4. 10,000 internally displaced persons cannot access food and water in many evacuee camps. Eventhough some has returned, many thousands remain displaced with no government services.

5. PM Bob Loughman is involved in corruption: In 2017 the Office of the Ombudsman recommended that Deputy PM Bob Loughman be prosecuted for breaching the leadership code by...…

... trying to exercise undue influence over the member selection process for the Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education. As of November the Public Prosecutor’s Office had not acted on the recommendation.

6. Man can own woman. Customary bride-price payments continued and contributed to the perception of male ownership of women.

7. Vanuatu Law does not prohibit sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is widespread in the workplace.

8. Child labour is practiced in Vanuatu. The law allows children as young as 14 y.o. to work. The law establishes the minimum age for employment at 14.

Children ages 12 to 14 may perform domestic or agricultural work if a family member works alongside the child. A child age of 15 may work on a ship and other hazardous work such as industrial labor and work on ships.

9. Violence to children is widespread in Vanuatu. A 2017 UNICEF report stated that eight of 10 children from ages two to four experienced violent discipline at home.

It also stated that one in three children experienced severe physical punishment at home and that sexual abuse before the age of 15 affected three of 10 children.

The government did little to combat the problem. In April 2018, for example, a six-year-old girl was abducted from her home, raped, and killed.

10. Early and Forced Marriage is a thing: Boys as young as 18 and girls as young as 16 may marry with parental permission. In rural areas and outer islands, some children married at younger ages.…

In 2018 UNICEF reported that approximately 21 percent of children married before age 18.

11. There a no laws to protect discrimination and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex (LGBTI) persons. Reports of abuses to LGBTI are quite often.

PM Bob Loughman. Please read this report we demand you to take immediate actions. Tangkiu tumas.…

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