Mike Baker Profile picture
National correspondent for @nytimes. Author of zero books. Signal: 646-394-3002. On Threads: https://t.co/8WszIaKuTe

Sep 27, 2020, 13 tweets

Back in downtown Portland, a couple hundred protesters have been mingling on the street tonight. Police have already rushed in to make arrests.

Police had been calling on people to get out of the street. Now the officers have filled the street.

More arrests

A lot of yelling about George Floyd as a group of officers subdued one person.

More chasing and arrests

As usual, follow Sergio.

And my colleague @NickAtNews


Here's the scene as police run to their vehicles and out of the area.

Police pushing people through the park and streets

Aggressive arrests, baton jabbing and knocking a photographer to the ground.

I'm heading out for the night. @NickAtNews is still on scene.

One striking theme from tonight: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown declared a state of emergency due to the Proud Boys event earlier today, but the police appear to have used that influx of officers to crack down on protesters as they were listening to speeches tonight.

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