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please be nice, I’m just a newborn adult

Sep 27, 2020, 31 tweets

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

Jacko is a leader of a known Mafia group while Blaire is a daughter of gambler addict. She was planning to pursue her career after graduation, but her father left her with no choice but to marry Jacko as a payment to his debt. #KathNielSerye

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
1. Hello again😎

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
2. Pass

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
7. Halina

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
8. Itch

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
9. Death wish

Warning: Violence‼️

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
10. Fudge

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
11. Labo

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
13. Offer

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
14. Its time

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

Last UD😎

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
16. Init

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
18. Pinatalo

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
19. That’s so stupid

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
20. Time

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
22. Good morning

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
23. He’s a Stanford

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
24. Boomer

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
25. Incapable

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
26. Anything

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
27. You wanna know?

The Unwanted Mafia Husband
28. See you

The Unwanted Mafia Husband

The Unwanted Mafia Husband


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