EdoZamboni Profile picture
Trying to see the forest and the trees.

Sep 27, 2020, 6 tweets

πŸ‘‡πŸΌThe wild patio threadπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

A log about our wild flatmates with whom we share a Victorian house in North London.

@BSBIbotany @wildflower_hour @morethanweeds @Britnatureguide @WildLondon @LondonNPC


These non-natives moved in earlier this Spring and have been in flower ever since, seemingly quite happy with our London stock bricks. I'm quite happy too to relish in the little chaos they've brought.



A few of these wee ones have settled on our wall this year. They are originally from rocky landscapes in southern Africa, but I suspect ours jumped the fence across from our Irish neighbours, who used to have a window box full of them.



No longer in flower, so we'll look forward to Spring 2021, if the world's still spinning then.
As many wildflowers, even when not in flower is still of great ecological value to wildlife, and not just to doggies 🐢



I've got a soft spot for this most recent wild arrival, loving the curvy shapes of the fronds.
We recently had a pipe leaking into this wall for some time, so I wonder if tha made it more inviting for the fern.


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