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Business Investigations @nytimes • Author, SERVANTS OF THE DAMNED https://t.co/uJgu0q4Adh DARK TOWERS & SPIDER NETWORK • david.enrich@nytimes.com

Sep 27, 2020, 11 tweets

Here. We. Go. ⁦

@realDonaldTrump⁩ has paid basically zero taxes for years. nytimes.com/interactive/20…

So much big news here. The 18 key takeaways are outlined here. nytimes.com/2020/09/27/us/…

This whole massive package is worth careful reading. Gem after gem. @russbuettner @susannecraig @mmcintire

And oh by the way

Trump personally made $2.3 million from Miss Universe in Moscow — thanks in part to billionaire close to Putin.

This is not the image of a successful businessman. nytimes.com/interactive/20…

I love love love that there is a “proceeds from fame” calculation.

For those wondering about the personal guarantees on @realDonaldTrump’s loans, that was a requirement that Deutsche Bank imposed starting in 2012 because of Trump’s history of defaults. He agreed to guarantee the vast majority of his Doral, Chicago & Old Post Office loans.

Deutsche Bank execs including Rosemary Vrablic and Tom Bowers examined Trump’s financials and concluded that the only way to make him big new loans was if the bank had recourse to his personal assets.

Trump didn’t have much choice. Other banks wouldn’t work with him.

And that is how we’ve ended up in a situation where the US president owes hundreds of millions to a foreign bank that can seize his personal assets if he doesn’t repay what he owes.

There’s a recently published book that explains this in a lot more detail. 😉

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