WaterBluSky.bsky.social. 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦 Profile picture
Just a mom who’s concerned for our great country. Blacktina. Won’t be satisfied until tfg is in chains #StrongerTogether 🫶 #VoteBlue 💙 #Biden #NAFO #NATO #EU

Sep 27, 2020, 6 tweets

Funny, Trump can’t name *any* amt of tax he’s paid, when questioned about it.

The next question is: WHY does #DeutscheBank keep lending to an uttterly failed businessman, who has operated at a loss *every year*?

.@JoeBiden needs to DEMAND @realDonaldTrump produce at least one tax return that shows Trump’s paid taxes comparable to those in his tax bracket. Hell, produce one return that shows he’s paid *any* taxes, and how much. America deserves to know. #trumpstaxes #TrumpTaxReturns

What this really highlights, is how broken our tax system is, and how some wealthy people abuse it. Think of all the taxpayer resources Trump and his spawn steal from us, and they give us (collectively) NOTHING in return. Think how Melania sat up in Trump Tower and extorted...

...Trump to re-negotiate her prenuptial agreement. We paid for that shit! Melania Trump extorted US. #TrumpTaxReturns #TrumpsTaxes

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