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Hello from court. Covering the intersection of law and politics at Bloomberg News. ztillman2 at bloomberg dot net

Sep 28, 2020, 5 tweets

New tonight: A federal judge in Ohio rejected a challenge to the state's process for handling mail-in ballots with signature mismatch problems, finding the state's interest in preventing fraud outweighs the "moderate burden" on voters assets.documentcloud.org/documents/7218…

Re: preventing fraud as a reason for Ohio's signature match rules, the judge notes the challengers and intervenors (Trump campaign + RNC) presented "drastically different research." Ohio, meanwhile, said fraud wasn't common in the state but argued they should be able to proactive

In other news re: mail-in voting: A DC federal judge granted an injunction blocking the US Postal Service from carrying out policies blamed for delays in mail this summer, specifically with an eye to how ballots will be handled leading up to the election ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_p…

The judge found the USPS likely violated the law by not seeking an advisory opinion from the Postal Regulatory Commission first and opening up the changes to notice and comment. He wrote this wasn't "micro-managing" by the court, but rather clearly what Congress required

The courts sure have been busy today! Earlier, the 7th Circuit granted a temporary stay pending the appeal of a Wisconsin judge's injunction that extended the deadline for registering + counting mail-in ballots because of COVID-19

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