Steve Peers Profile picture
Professor of EU Law & Human Rights Law, @rhul_law. Latest book: EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, 5th ed (OUP), published Oct 2023. Usual disclaimers.

Sep 28, 2020, 6 tweets

Just uploaded - my working paper on the legal issues of the withdrawal agreement

1/ on ResearchGate -…

2/ on -…

Some snippets (thread)

The three overlapping tensions in the withdrawal agreement: between the approaches of EU and international law; the agreement as end point of membership, or future relationship; and the ambiguous position of Northern Ireland

The legal position of treaties in domestic law: unfortunately necessary to restate the basics, following the Attorney General's misleading statement

A summary of why, in my view, UK nationals do not retain EU citizenship after Brexit.

Is either side negotiating in bad faith? My assessment of the legal position.

And some conclusions...

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