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Sep 28, 2020, 8 tweets

[THREAD] Today marks 20 years since the beginning of the Second Intifada, which lasted five years and would claim the lives of over 4,200 Palestinians

Here’s what happened on that fateful day 👇(📸: AFP)

On September 28, 2000 right-wing opposition leader Ariel Sharon entered the Al Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem with more than 1,000 Israeli police in a move that was seen as purposefully provocative

He caused uproar after stating: "The Temple Mount is in our hands"

After Sharon left the site, angry demonstrations outside quickly erupted into violence with Israeli police firing tear gas and rubber-coated metal bullets while protesters hurled stones

The military soon adopted a series of sweeping operations and administrative policies designed to collectively punish Palestinians

Three weeks later, the UN released Resolution 1322 condemning Israel for the use of excessive force against Palestinians

On February 6, 2001, Sharon became Israel’s prime minister and oversaw the biggest offensive in the West Bank since 1967

Palestinian cities and villages were blocked with concrete blocks and checkpoints and curfews were enforced

On June 16, 2002, Israel began the construction of a separation barrier, following a wave of suicide bombings, with majority of it built on Palestinian land

Two years later, the International Court of Justice ruled the construction illegal and ordered for it to be halted

The Intifada is believed to have ended in February 2005. In September of the same year, Israel withdrew all its troops and settlers from Gaza

At least 4,200 Palestinians were killed in the uprising, including 1,262 children and 274 women

Tens of thousands were injured during the five years of violence mostly as a result of air strikes in the Gaza Strip and the major assaults on various West Bank villages, cities, and refugee camps

Some 6,500 Palestinian homes were also damaged by Israeli forces

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