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Changing the face of trusteeship

Sep 28, 2020, 14 tweets

Charity boards aren't diverse enough. Here's why we need a #BoardRevolution...

In England & Wales, just 36% of charity trustees are women.

Only 8% of charity trustees are people of colour.

Just one third of trustees are under 50.

59% of charities say their boards aren't representative of the communities they seek to serve.

Our sector desperately needs to take action, but it can be difficult to know where to start.

If you're ready to transform your board and not sure how to begin, Getting on Board is here to help!

Our CEO Penny has 8 great tips to turbocharge your board diversity.


We still have a few places left on Transform, our programme for charities that want to turbocharge their trustee diversity.

From October 2020 - March 2021, you will learn how to recruit and retain diverse trustees.

You'll receive expert guidance as you go through live recruitment.

Your organisation will join a cohort of up of 16 charities, with one or two representatives from each charity.

Transform will improve the diversity of protected characteristics on your board (most likely to be age, racial and/or gender diversity but we support with other areas too).

You'll recruit for the skills, knowledge and experience needed to strengthen your organisation.

So what are you waiting for?

Let's transform the charity sector together. Visit our website to learn more:

When charity trustee boards are as diverse as the communities they serve, everybody benefits.

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