Matt Willes Profile picture
Investor (Willes Capital, Mountain Mezzanine, SKOL Capital) and Minnesota Sports fan. Spouse ( Dad x4, Grandfather x2

Sep 28, 2020, 12 tweets

It’s slow today (I made my political tweet last week), so here’s my:

Top 10 “Favorite” Things to Hear From Potential Borrowers:


Potential Client: I’m Buying a business for $5 Million.

Me: So, how much do you need?

Potential Client: $5 Million


Me: How will the cash be used?

Potential Client:


Me: How do I get my money back?

Potential Client: Hmm; good question.



Me: So, you bought this company at 4x and nothing has really changed. What’s it worth now?

Potential Client: 8-10x, easy.


Potential Client: Why are you so expensive? I can easily raise money at...

5) I know we only did $2.5 M of revenue last year, but our potential market is over $100 Billion!


Post Deal Closing:

New Client: ...



Potential Client: “Hey, this Security Agreement seems a little one sided”


Potential Client: Hey, I know you already said no, but let me keep talking for 30 minutes in case you change your mind.

(And, if not, I’ll call again next week)

And my FAVORITE thing to hear from Potential Borrowers:

“I just need $6 Million by Friday!”

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