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Sep 29, 2020, 31 tweets

The Hero’s Journey - THREAD

Sure, many of you know what “The Hero’s Journey” is. Entertained by countless stories of that nature.

But you can take the principles from it to create an extraordinary life for yourself. Face your demons. Become your own hero. Conquer.

What is The Hero’s Journey?

For the unaware, it’s a common narrative template used across many stories thruout humanity. It uses relatively similar aspects across different story arcs.

Normally falling into 3 distinct phases:

- Departure
- Initiation/Revelation
- Return

There’s many specific steps to The Hero’s Journey, but they generally fall into one of those 3 phases.

This’s meant to be applicable, not a lecture on literary structure.

If you want you can google Joesph Campbell’s 17 stages, but my goal is for you to focus on applicability


Almost all great stories start out with a call to adventure. The hero starts his journey in mediocrity, and feels the urge to venture out, embracing instability and trials.

This call arises for many reasons.

Necessity. Self actualization. Love. Glory. Exploration.

We’d like to think all heroes just jump headfirst into adventure.
Without any doubt or hesitation.

This normally isn’t the case. Heroes often feel resistance towards their journey. Plagued by some sort of negativity. Manifesting as fear, obligation, inadequacy, insecurity, etc

One thing all the great heroes have in common: they reject the negativity. They don’t let bullshit feelings stop them from seeking out their goals.

They find inspiration, either from a mentor, inside themselves, or something spiritual.

Rejecting normalcy & embracing uncertainty

Once you’ve shed your fears and insecurities and ventured out, prepare to be tested.

On their journey, heroes face danger, setbacks, obstacles, instability... basically a new challenge at every turn.

For most of us nowadays, the “danger” aspect will be minimal.


No true growth comes without suffering. Only when heroes stretch outside of their comfort zone, will they truly change.

The path to self improvement is filled with trails and struggle.

Reframing your problems/setbacks in your mind as opportunities for growth is one of the most important aspects of your journey.

Letting go of your ego and putting yourself in more vulnerable situations stimulates the growth you’re looking for.

This’s the most important part of the Hero’s Journey.

A hero overcoming difficulties is what captivates us. There has to be struggle and challenge for a good story.

Look at any (fiction) book or movie you love. 99% of the time, the hero has to overcome something.

It bores us when everything goes the hero’s way. It’s been difficult for writers and directors to make Superman interesting because of that fact.

It’s why ppl are inspired by the rags-to-riches entrepreneur. And resent the trust fund kid.

Trials present themselves in many different ways.

Mental struggles, dealing with isolation, failure, stress & instability.

External struggles, injuries, enemies, temptations of women or material goods.

Many things will be placed in your path. It’s up to you to navigate them

Every conquered setback builds skillsets and confidence. The more you defeat, the more of a snowball affect in which you truly transform yourself.

Every small victory gives you tools to accomplish greater goals.

At this point in the Journey, the hero comes to a point where he confronts whatever holds the most power in his life.

This is described as “Atonement with the Abyss”.

A lot of the time this is a mental “abyss” we have to cross.

Anxiety, fear, insecurity, or any prominent soy traits in your life are ya hat hold you back.

Confronting these head on is the only way to accomplish your goals.

Yeah, you can start a journey by repressing them. Probably have success as well.

You can mask the weakness and power thru for a while. It’s much better than giving into it.

But you’ll never reach your maximum potential while holding onto the baggage. The only way is fundamentally changing how you think about yourself.

After confronting whatever has the most power over you, you can experience “Apotheosis”.

Fundamentally changing your outlook of life with your newfound knowledge & perception.

Only at this point is a hero ready for his most difficult challenges.

Armed with all the new skills, knowledge, and belief, the Hero now faces “The Ultimate Boon”. The culmination of his journey.

Attacking whatever goals he set out to conquer.

This phase is accomplishing what you set out in your journey to accomplish. Typically the Climax.


After defeating everything in their path and achieving their goals, the story doesn’t end.

We see heroes resist returning after their quest. Either from exhaustion or not wanting to leave the bliss of their accomplishment.

But in The Hero’s Journey, he must return with his knowledge or treasures.

He must share what he’s accomplished and continue pushing forward.

We too often see ppl have success, then get complacent and lose the drive that got them there initially.

So you’re thinking, “Brah, how does this apply to my life if you’re just talking about stories?”

Our lives are just a big story in and of itself.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, you’ll have to undertake extraordinary tasks.

This isn’t for everyone. If you don’t want challenge & adventure, this isn’t for you

Some ppl are fine with a life of normality and “comfort”. They’re fine sitting on the couch all day just existing

But those who want more need to look internally at what they want to accomplish

If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, that’s completely fine & actually normal

We aren’t designed to know the EXACT path we need to take. Starting your journey is the most important part, then finding your passion along the way.

But you NEED to START. Just do SOMETHING

You’ll know you’re on the right path when things get hard. Facing challenges is the next most important part.

You should be seeking out challenges. You can’t find out who you truly are without adversity.

Beating adversity is the best possible remedy for depression & anxiety

In all stories of success, men overcome failure. Even if they’ve failed repeatedly. ALWAYS keep grinding.

Comfortability with failure is a superpower. If you can just bounce back from losses, ppl will think you’re insane

Most face a little failure and give up immediately

Set out to find what your purpose on this earth is. When you find your true purpose or calling, you’ll be shocked at how your everyday demeanor changes.

The passion and drive you display will resonate with everyone around you in a whole new way.

Finally, once you’ve accomplished what you set out to do, don’t stop there.

Complacency and stagnation are death. Not for the body but for the soul.

Keep that fire inside you roaring and line up new goals to accomplish. There’s always MORE to accomplish no matter who you are

Give back to those around you.

On your journey, I can almost guarantee you’ve had many ppl help you. Even if you’re a loner, it’s sinply difficult to accomplish everything all by yourself.

Spread your knowledge. You never know if you’ll be the catalyst to change someone’s life

Don’t get discouraged. Everyone at some point feels discouraged on their journey.

True transformation doesn’t happen overnight.

It can be disheartening to see so many ppl’s success while you’re still struggling.

You’re just at a different point in your journey

We all have some sort of greatness inside of us, but modern society has done everything to keep that locked away.

We have the capability for conquest & adventure like we read about.

Don’t let society rob you of your glory.

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God bless you all on your journey’s my brothers

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